“ Founded by industry experts, CGDEV ANIMATION stands among the best Creative Institutions in Odisha. ”


Since 2011, CGDev Animation has been instrumental in nurturing aspiring talents, shaping a brighter future for the creative industry in Odisha. Founded by industry experts, CGDev Animation stands as one of the premier Creative Institutions in the state.

At CGDev, we foster connections among talents on similar journeys, encouraging mutual improvement and the evolution of better artists. Our institution is renowned for its comprehensive and intensive syllabus, producing numerous skilled artists and animators. We integrate educational theories and practical industry skills into the core foundations of our education.

We highly cherish our collaborations with industry experts, who contribute knowledge and share their experiences with our students. As an institution, CGDev Animation acts as a bridge, facilitating the exchange of expertise between professional practitioners and students within the same dynamic online learning environment.

Moreover, CGDev Animation distinguishes itself as an online institute with the most affordable fees compared to any other institute in India.


Founder I Mentor

“ The expert in everything was once a beginner. ”

Devasis is the Co-Founder and Principal of CGDev Animation. He is renowned for his exceptional skills in 3D modeling, texturing


Founder I Mentor

“ Strive for progress, not perfection. ”

Sanith Aras, the Founder and Mentor of CGDev Animation, is renowned for his exceptional skills in 3D modeling. His expertise shines particularly in vehicle modeling, product Rendering.